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Welcome to the official start of holiday shopping season!

I am going to post gift guides this week on the blog, so you can refer back to them as you do your holiday shopping. I've tried to do a variety of ages, interests and price points. I did keep to only a few primary stores to make your shopping a bit easier and tried to stick to stores that will have specials running over the next few weeks (discounts, coupon codes and gifts with purchase - so make sure you check their banners when you click through)!!

Gift guides are harder than I thought, so be sure and give me some feedback about what you like and don't like! I will also be posting other items in my IG stories throughout the next few weeks when I see things of interest, good sales or cool items!

And, as a (gentle!) reminder, if nothing grabs you and you want to do your own shopping - check out my SHOP page and click through the links!

Here are BABY and TODDLER Gift Guides.



**As a reminder, posts may contain affiliate links that generate a small commission when you shop.



Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I'm Mer!  I'm a mom of two elementary aged kids, wife to a scientist, full-time executive and expert online shopper!

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