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Fall Mantle

I saw these amazing displays when we were visiting Simon Pearce in Woodstock, VT a few weeks ago -

Think big glass vases, layered with all different kinds and colors of beans, kernals, quinoa, lentils, etc. Then, a gently placed glass pumpkin balanced in the middle of it - sitting on top of layers and layers of gorgeous fall colors.

So, off we went to Target for supplies. It was at that point that I realized it was going to cost about $1MILLION to layer my glass vases with organic lentils and beans. So, in a moment of insanity, I added a 20lb bag of rice (for $7!!!) and figured that we had enough food coloring at home to 'make it work'.

Now, the part I always forget to factor into my creativity... is my kids' creativity. There is a fine (very fine!) line between letting them explore their creativity and destroying the kitchen to the point of no return. Oh, how we walk that line. Again, and again, and again.

This is also the story about how I ended up baking 20lbs of rice while sipping wine on a random Friday afternoon. Spoiler alert, entire bottles of food color need some help 'drying' before being layered. Think 175 degree oven for 20 minutes, stir, repeat. Low and slow. This is not the time to be impatient - refill the wine glass if you have to. Also, I DO NOT, repeat DO NOT, recommend using 7 colors (and 7 bowls) for this project. It is Way. Too. Much. Food. Coloring.

That said, we had a pretty decent afternoon. After we baked 20lbs of rice, washed 17 bowls and 4 baking sheets, broke two vacuums, scrubbed food coloring from all surfaces and had lunch that consisted mainly of Halloween candy and cheese dip.

I love the finished project, but honestly, I might start buying lentils and beans on sale now to prepare for next year!



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I'm Mer!  I'm a mom of two elementary aged kids, wife to a scientist, full-time executive and expert online shopper!

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