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Meet the face
behind the posts

Hi!  Welcome!


I'm Mer!  I'm a mom of two elementary aged kids, wife to a scientist, full-time executive and expert online shopper!  Well, I didn't major in online shopping, but I could certainly teach a course in it!


For years, friends and family have walked into my house and asked "where did you get that?".  And without hesitating, I'm on my phone sending them a link and doing a quick search for the best price available.  This is my attempt to do the same for you!  Gift guides, house organization, seasonal clothing - I've got it covered.  


Feel free to drop me a note and let me know what YOU want to see!  My goal is to make this an inclusive space regardless of size, gender, race or relationship.  So put up your feet, charge up that laptop or phone and let's get shopping!


When I'm not online shopping and hiding the recycling in plain sight (#donttellbrian), I'm based in Boston, MA and enjoy knitting, sipping cocktails, planning my next vacation and avoiding laundry.



** I am associated with Amazon Affiliates and ShopStyle Collective - posts may contain affiliate links that generate commission when you shop!

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